Traditional approaches to training are often not as effective as we might like them to be. In fact, one study indicated that most people lose 90 percent of what they have been taught after just 90 days.
Train-the-Trainer teaches trainers just how to create effective learning environments, by using a completely different approach to training.
Train-the-Trainer programs will help you engage learners on multiple levels. You will learn how to create learning programs that have a lasting impact and that make the most of your organization’s most valuable resource – its people. Consider taking all 3 Train the Trainer Programs (
How Adults Learn; Planning, Designing & Evaluating Training; and Proven Classroom Training Techniques) and earn a
Train the Trainer Certificate from Xavier Leadership Center, and make an even bigger impact on your training programs and participants.
Zenith is training and consulting firm specialized in providing innovative HRD solutions in the fields of management, leadership, customer service, call centers, school management, and personal development skills. We come alongside and help inject much needed common sense into your business structure. Being the training & business management consultants, we understand the many challenges facing businesses in today's fast-paced and competitive climate. All solutions are tailored to clients and market needs.
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